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All posts, Family

The Christmas Curse

The Bible describes the punishment for adultery as burning at the stake. Long ago, people suspected of practicing witchcraft were stoned to death. According to Muslim law, men caught drinking alcohol are to be publicly flogged. In Dante’s Inferno, those guilty of flattery must live in a sea of excrement. I must have done something […]

All posts, Medicine

Medical Costs

              It seems like a new article makes the rounds every week complaining about medical costs.  A recent example published in USA Today blasted the use of screening tomosynthesis, a newer technology that involves the use of a three-dimensional mammogram.  The point of the article seems to be that money-hungry companies and doctors are pushing

All posts, Random Thoughts


              I’ve been thinking about words a lot lately.  It all started when my wife brought home some donut holes.  I immediately took issue with “donut holes.”  Not the little balls of fried happiness themselves, but rather, the name.  These little treats are not, in fact, holes.  They are balls.  They should be called donut

All posts, Random Thoughts

A Wimp By Any Other Name

              There are a lot of phrases, idioms, and metaphors in the English language which confuse me.  For example, “going cold turkey,” or “under the weather.”  I know how we use them, but I have no idea how they came to be.  And I’m too lazy to Google it.               Another odd example is the

All posts, Medicine

All Bleeding Eventually Stops

I thought of this phrase a few days ago, during a particularly difficult biopsy. Most of my procedures involve very little bleeding, but this one was giving me heartburn. No matter what I did, the patient continued to ooze. I even got some blood on my clothes “gasp!” Now, I recognize that the few cc’s

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I hate the Canadians

I hate the Canadians.  They are always crapping on the sidewalk behind my house and eating my grass seeds.  I’m referring, or course, to Canadian Geese.  I think, technically, they are called Canada Geese.  That doesn’t change the fact that every winter, approximately 17 million of the dirty bastards descend on the lake behind my

All posts, Environment

The End of Global Warming

           Every few weeks I’ll see an article in the news about global warming.  There will be a report of a new record high, or some political action regarding global warming.  It’s a little surprising to me that some still argue against the reality of man-caused global warming.  I’m sorry, I thought that there were

All posts, Friends

I have a new Zach

              A few days ago, I was telling my wife a story about Zach.  And she had to clarify which Zach.                “Wait, Zach…. Viets?”               “Yeah, of course Zach Viets.”  Zach V is one of the members of my practice, and we interact a lot through work.  But it made me start thinking, I

All posts, Medicine

The Cure for Cancer

              One thing that always blows my mind is the medical conspiracy theories.  There are multiple theories, but one of the most insane is the cure for cancer.  It goes something like this:  there is a cure for cancer, and it is being kept secret by everybody in the medical establishment, because we make so

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